Digital Policy Day
26 June 2023, 10:30– 16:00 CEST
ACE Events (Av. d'Auderghem 22), Brussels
Programme of the Event
10.30 – 10.35: Welcome introduction
- Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO
10.35 – 10.45: Opening keynote
- Kamila Kloc, Director ‘Digital decade and Connectivity', DG CNECT, European Commission
10.45 – 11.50: Gigabit Connectivity: The Backbone of Europe’s Digital Future
Fast internet connectivity is essential for the success of individuals, businesses, and Europe’s economy. To stay competitive, Europe must continue to accelerate the roll-out Gigabit Connectivity networks. How does the Connectivity Package support the roll-out of Gigabit networks while improving consumer welfare? How can member states accelerate roll-out of FTTH and 5G networks? What are the investment requirements for companies participating in the digital ecosystem and how will they fulfil them?
- Alin Mituța, Member of the European Parliament, Gigabit Infrastructure Act Rapporteur
- Thomas Reynaud, CEO, Iliad group
- Vincent Garnier, Director General, FTTH Council Europe
- Lise Fuhr, Director General, ETNO
- Audrey Scozzaro Ferrazzini, Senior Director Government Affairs EMEA, Qualcomm
Moderated by Lewis Crofts, Editor-in-Chief, MLex.
11.50 – 12.40: The Digital Competition Race: Is it a Fair Game?
The digital economy is rapidly reshaping the world, and Europe is set to become a frontrunner in this transformative process. But European companies may still face an unlevel playing field. What are the barriers confronting European telecom companies in today’s global digital markets? Are EU actors able to fairly compete against American or Asian giants? Is there political will to increase scale – either national or cross-border – in the telecoms industry? How could citizens benefit from improved market efficiencies?
- Andreas Schwab, Member of the European Parliament
- Wolfgang Kopf, SVP Group Public & Regulatory Affairs at Deutsche Telekom AG
- Petra Wikström, Director of Public Policy, Schibsted
- Adina Claici, Principal, The Brattle Group
Moderated by Natalie McNelis, Senior Correspondent, MLex Market Insight
12.40 – 13.40: Networking lunch
13.40 – 14.10: Europe's Innovation Potential: Unlocking the Power of Next-Generation Connectivity
Europe is making progress in deploying the next-generation of connectivity, with the promise to transform industries and drive economic growth as a result. At the same time, connectivity infrastructure itself is evolving towards virtualized, software and cloud-defined networks that could pave the way to a different ecosystem. How will the networks be transformed? Which technologies are driving network virtualization? Will telecom companies manage to orchestrate an increasingly thriving ecosystem? How should policy approaches to the sector evolve?
- Pearse O’Donohue, Director for the Future Networks, DG CNECT, European Commission
- Ingeborg Øfsthus, Senior Vice President Nordic CTO, Telenor
Moderated by Matthew Newman, Chief Correspondent, MLex.
14.10 – 15.00: Driving Trends and Innovation in Next-Generation Wireless Networks
Vendors are driving forces of the 5G revolution. How are they changing and adapting to the era of network softwarization and automation? With the rise of 5G and innovative network technologies like Open RAN, there are exciting new opportunities for European innovation in services and applications. Which risks and opportunities do they foresee for the telecom sector? Which policy and regulatory frameworks will help the timely deployment of innovative, sustainable and secure networks?
- Mårten Lerner, Head of Product Line Cloud RAN, Ericsson
- Volker Ziegler, Chief Architect at Nokia Strategy and Technology division
- Francesco Sorrentino, Business Development Manager Telco Cloud & Edge EMEA, VMware
- Maarit Palovirta, Senior Director of Regulatory Affairs, ETNO
Moderated by Matthew Newman, Chief Correspondent, MLex.
15.00 – 15.10: Closing remarks
- Pearse O’Donohue, Director for the Future Networks, DG CONNECT, European Commission
- Ingeborg Øfsthus, Senior Vice President Nordic CTO, Telenor
15.10 – 15.15: Wrap-up by ETNO